For Your Information…

I look forward to writing this post every week. As you know I try to post it on Thursdays. Unfortunately, I suffer from forgetingwhatdayitisafterwednesdayitis. Bummer, huh? As some of you may have noticed, there was a post up about Green Smoothie Day that’s gone now. Want to know why? Cause it’s not Green Smoothie Day today. Nope, that would be tomorrow. Today is random facts day. Thank you for bearing with me!

*Enjoy aromatherapy? I know I do! Here are a few essential oils that are harmful to your health though and should be avoided:

  • Clove
  • Cinnamon/Cassia
  • Bitter Almond
  • Caraway
  • Mustard
  • Wintergreen
  • Wormwood

*Taking a bath at 92 to 100 degrees F for twenty minutes to an hour can be beneficial to people suffering from insomnia, toxic buildup, hyperactivity, and stress. No hot, hot baths for you pregnant women though!

*People who are blessed with oily skin (didn’t think that was a blessing, did you?), dark hair, and dark complexions generally age better than those with freckles, fair skin, and light colored hair.

*The average person gets three colds a winter. That blows- your nose!

*The combined weight of the planets ant population is greater than the combined weight of the planets human population. Crazy!

*The average person brushes their teeth for an average of 51 seconds, not the recommended two minutes. For shame!

*Keep a container of the following mixture handy and pop a few in your mouth after every meal. Chewing these seeds will help prevent bad breath. You’re welcome! 1 part anise seed, 1 part caraway seed, 1 part fennel seed.

What Do You Know?