Friendly, the friendly steer

Let me tell you a story.

Once there was a nice cow. She gave birth to litle twins who were sold to a trader at auction named Jeff. Jeff took these calves to a happy farm to be raised by  the farmers’ sweet wife Gail. Gail bottle fed the babies and loved on them until they were old enough to eat big boy food. By this time, she had named them: Friendly and Spanky. Friendly and Spanky ate and grew and ate and grew and then grew some more until they were big and strong steers.  One cool morning at the beginning of July, Jeff returned to that pretty farm and picked up Friendly and took him on a little trip. This is where they were going:


A handful of days later, the female child of Jeff’s youth went to the little town of Eureka, IL to fetch Friendly with her handsome husband and beautiful daughter. Now 302 pounds of Friendly has a new, nice and cool home:

Welcome to a new season of Friendly’s life. A season of nourishing anothers body. What a noble steer. What a blessing!